Cbfa1/Runx2-moléculas ósseas

Representation of Cbfa1 during the growth and differentiation of fetal rat calvarial osteoblasts. A, DNA binding activity of Cbfa1 during osteoblast differentiation. EMSAs were performed using rat osteoblast nuclear extracts (lanes 1 and 2, d 3; lanes 3 and 4, d 14; lanes 5 and 6, d 23), a probe containing the consensus Cbfa-binding site and Cbfa1 antiserum (38 ). Lanes 1, 3, and 5, Nuclear extracts incubated with preimmune serum; lanes 2, 4, and 6, nuclear extracts incubated with 1 µl Cbfa1 antiserum. Dried gels were exposed for 6 h. The Cbfa1-containing complex (OBSC) and the supershifted bands (supershift) are indicated. The graph to the right is an average of the densitometric analysis of the supershifted complex. B, Cbfa1-immunoreactive proteins during osteoblast differentiation. Western blots were performed using rat osteoblast nuclear extracts obtained from different stages of growth and differentiation (proliferating d 2, differentiating d 14, and mineralizing d 20) as indicated. The membrane was incubated with antibody as previously described (16 ). Similar results were obtained using antibody from Meyers et al. (38 ) and Oncogene Research Products. Relative migration of Cbfa1 and lamin B to the markers is indicated. The graph to the right of B presents densitometric quantitation of the Cbfa1-immunoreactive band. C, The extent of osteoblast differentiation as reflected by secreted osteocalcin measured by RIA for the experiments presented in A and B.
Cbfa1/Runx2 é um fator de transcrição e tem sido mostrado ser essencial para diferenciação de osteoblasto e formação óssea durante a embriogênese.
Core-binding fator 1(Cbfa1 também chamado Runx2) é um fator de transcrição pertencente a Run t família de fatores de transcrição que se liga a um elemento osteoblast-específico cis-acting(OSE2) ativando a expressão de osteocalcin, um gene osteoblasto específico.
Chaitali Banerjee, Amjad Javed, Je-Yong Choi, Jack Green, Vicki Rosen, André J. van Wijnen, Janet L. Stein, Jane B. Lian and Gary S. Stein.Differential Regulation of the Two Principal Runx2/Cbfa1 N-Terminal Isoforms in Response to Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 during Development of the Osteoblast Phenotype.Endocrinology Vol. 142, No. 9 4026-4039.
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